After activating your subscription, go to My Account > VIRTUAL BLACKLIST / Unsolicited Phone Lookup link and type the phone number in the "Phone Search", 

You may get 2 possible results:

  • Results – If you get some results, this means the number is registered in our system as a phone number linked to unsolicited calls.  Please check the source or comments to find out more information about this number’s activity.
  • No Results – If you get ‘no results’, this means the number is not registered in our system yet.  If you suspect this is an unsolicited caller, please use the "Report Phone" link (on the right of the search button above) to request adding it to our database.


Example of a phone number showing Results:

Example of a phone number showing No Results:

IMPORTANT: To avoid potential scams, we recommend that you use our search tool PRIOR to answering a call from any stranger. If this is not possible, at the very least PLEASE search the phone number BEFORE you make any type of payment (especially wire transfers) OR provide any personal information e.g. credit cards, social security numbers, etc. 

WARNING:  It is the thieve's job come across as someone trustworthy.  This tool was created to assist you in doing your do diligence.  Please use it!