We can assure you we are working very hard to grow our Blacklist database. Please know that we are constantly collecting numbers from various government and private sources such as consumer.ftc.gov, several phone companies user blogs, social networks, and community groups.
As of December of 2019, our global Blacklist database has 331,348 phone numbers and growing at a rate of at least 20,000 new numbers every month. We are also growing our database with the help of our users. Every time 3 or more of our users add a number to their User Blacklist, that number is automatically added to our global database for the rest of our users to benefit from. We started this process in December of 2018, so we are hoping that as we grow our community of users, we will become more effective over time.
Also, we are working to launch our mobile apps for IOS (Apple) and Android phones in 2020. We expect mobile users will help our Blacklist collection efforts a great deal.
Having said this, we want you to know that we value your patience, and will continue to work to make our UBlocker platform better.